Moda Meccanica


Based on its thirty-years’ experience in the plastics processing plant industry, Moda Meccanica offers a wide range of new machinery and accessories selected from among the top industry brands, a range of used machines, and a vast assortment of parts to comply with the needs of our customers.

Our company provides prompt and efficient technical assistance in Italy and abroad through our skilled workforce with expertise in routine and reactive maintenance and specific skills in dismantling and relocating production plants, including very large equipment.

The Moda Meccanica sales department also accompanies customers through their major purchases, guiding them in each stage: from evaluation of their production requirements to the choice of the most useful investment for their business.

Get in touch today for technical and sales information: our team will be happy to help you.

    Informativa relativa al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi dell'art.13 del DLgs. 30/06/2003 n. 196

    Legge 675/96 - i suoi dati saranno gestiti e utilizzati esclusivamente per fini promozionali e commerciali, in ogni momento ne potrà richiedere l'aggiornamento, l'integrazione o la cancellazione scrivendo a
    Autorizzo al trattamento dei miei dati personali nel rispetto della legge 675/96